James - Owner & Director

James is a qualified Carpenter and the Owner and Director of The Melbourne Chippy Pty Ltd. James completed his apprenticeship with a small domestic builder, building houses from the ground up. After completing his apprenticeship, James worked a short stint in commercial construction but quickly realized his passion was in domestic building. James then turned his attention to working with a renovation company and this was when he realized his passion was to restore existing homes, rather then known them down and build new ones.

James founded The Melbourne Chippy Pty Ltd. in 2019 and continues to grow the company to have a strong focus on high quality finishes, an eye for detail and restoration rather than demolition.


Matt joined the team in late 2022 as a full-time employee of The Melbourne Chippy Pty Ltd. and continues to be a valuable member of the team. Matt is our leading site Manager and Junior quoter.

Prior to joining TMC, Matt worked alongside James (Director of TMC) at a previous company, likewise, Matt played a crucial role in the early days of TMC; Whilst working full-time at another company during the week, Matt dedicated every weekend for nearly a year to help build TMC.


Chris joined The Melbourne Chippy Pty Ltd. team in December 2022. Chris is currently completing his second-year apprenticeship as a mature age Apprentice.

Prior to Chris joining TMC, Chris was in a band travelling the world!
Chris is a valued member of TMC team and continues to show great potential with his carpentry skills.

Want to join the team?

Head to our ‘Careers’ Page and follow the steps how to get in contact!